The meeting held in Bogota in May 2015 marked a significant milestone for the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) Member Countries. During this event, the countries came together to formulate a Shared Vision for the Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon Basin, with a specific focus on addressing Climate Variability and Change. This vision was crafted through a collaborative process that involved the identification of common priority issues and the envisioning of future development scenarios for the region.
One of the key elements in shaping this Shared Vision was an extensive public opinion survey conducted across the Amazon Region. More than 8,200 questionnaires were distributed to various stakeholders, including local communities, indigenous groups, governmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, and scientific institutions. This survey provided valuable insights into the perceptions of the Amazonian population and offered a comprehensive understanding of the socioeconomic, political, and environmental conditions prevailing in the Amazon Basin.
The outcomes of the public opinion survey played a pivotal role in guiding the formulation of both national visions and the overarching Shared Regional Vision for the sustainable management of water resources in the Amazon. Moreover, the survey findings informed the delineation of the objectives outlined in the Strategic Action Program (SAP), setting a clear trajectory for collective action towards the preservation and sustainable utilization of the Amazon Basin’s precious water resources.