The 19 Strategic Actions of the SAP were formulated to address the challenges posed by adverse environmental and socioeconomic impacts in the Amazon Basin. Each of the Nine Priority Regional Transboundary Issues identified in the TDA (Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis) prompted the Amazon countries to delineate and consolidate three Strategic Lines of Response within the SAP. These strategic lines were accompanied by corresponding Strategic Actions and a collection of projects slated for implementation as targeted initiatives. The involvement of diverse stakeholders at the local, national, regional, and international levels is crucial for the successful execution of these projects.

Strategic response line #1:
Strengthening of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

Within the scope of Strategic Response Line No. 1, which prioritizes strengthening Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), initiatives and projects will be undertaken to equip countries with the necessary tools for regional cooperation and institutional collaboration. Five out of the nine Priority Regional Transboundary Issues—Water Pollution, Deforestation, Biodiversity Loss, Erosion, Transport and Sedimentation, and Land Use Change—underscore the imperative of enhancing national institutions and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO). This entails equipping them with the necessary institutional infrastructure and human capital to cultivate the conducive environment needed for effective regional-level IWRM.

Strategic response line #2:
Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability

To tackle two of the nine Priority Regional Transboundary Problems, Glacier Loss and Extreme Hydroclimatic Events, which have led to significant economic and social losses across all Amazonian countries, the second Strategic Response Line focuses on Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change. Its aim is to enhance the response capacity of national and local institutions.

Strategic response line #3:
Knowledge Management

The third Strategic Response Line, focused on Knowledge Management, aims to address various cross-cutting issues. It responds to recommendations by promoting cultural, educational, and artistic events to increase awareness among the Amazonian population about the importance of natural resources, especially water, and their preservation and sustainable use. Additionally, it includes support for strengthening institutional and management frameworks.