The Strategic Action Program has been designed to be implemented through a portfolio of projects corresponding to the Strategic Actions that address the priority transboundary issues identified in the Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA). To facilitate the SAP implementation process and the joint establishment of protocols, regulations, and regional activities, the Strategic Actions have been grouped into six thematic areas, considering the synergy among them:

  • Regional Monitoring
  • Planning and Management
  • Adaptation
  • Protection
  • Community Social Technologies
  • Knowledge and Awareness Raising

The first projects are being implemented through National Focal Points designated by the Member Countries and with the participation of multiple stakeholders at the local, national, and regional levels.

Citizen participation in decision-making is fundamental in project implementation because, according to accumulated evidence, it can improve the quality and acceptance of the resulting decisions and is a tool for poverty reduction. For this reason, each project under implementation includes a process of mobilization and informed citizen participation of the basin’s collective social actors, ensuring ownership of the SAP and providing a lasting and sustainable mechanism for the implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the region.

Portafolio de proyectos