Through the Amazon Basin Project – SAP Implementation, the Amazon countries aim to promote Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the region, ensuring its long-term sustainability and generating socioeconomic, environmental and institutional benefits.

This innovative approach to transboundary water governance aims to improve water resources and ecosystems, protect aquatic and terrestrial habitats and ensure sustainable benefits for people’s livelihoods and well-being, while preserving the vital services and functions of the Amazon ecosystem.

The Integrated Environmental Monitoring System, covering 600 million hectares, will strengthen the region’s capacity to tackle the impacts of extreme weather events and rising sea levels. This will result in greater resilience for communities and ecosystems, contributing to water and food security for the Amazonian population.

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) will have positive impacts on food production, biodiversity conservation, economic growth and regional stability.

Institutionally, the implementation of the SAP will strengthen IWRM in the region by establishing a permanent regional coordination mechanism within ACTO. It will also consolidate common IWRM principles and standards, implement an Integrated Regional IWRM Information Platform, facilitate the exchange of information and establish incentive-based financing mechanisms. It will also strengthen national capacities by training more than 1,400 professionals, sharing good practices and adopting new technologies.

Permanent Mechanism for Regional Coordination of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM)

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Trained professionals. Of these, more than 100 have already received gender training.
Trained members of local communities (40% women)
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Hectares covered by an integrated environmental monitoring system