The Amazon Basin Project, aimed at implementing the Strategic Action Program for the Integrated and Sustainable Management of Water Resources in the Amazon Basin, is financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) serving as the implementing agency and the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) as the executing agency.

The Project Steering Committee comprises Member Countries, the Permanent Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), and the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). The Permanent Secretariat of ACTO (SP/ACTO), operating through the Project’s Regional Coordination Unit (RCU), collaborates closely with the countries through their respective Focal Points. These Focal Points are represented by their Ministries of Foreign Affairs and the directors of technical bodies within the Ministries of Environment and Water, National Water Authorities, or National Water Secretariats, depending on the country.

Each Focal Point has established a National Project Coordination Unit (NCU), tasked with overseeing activities and implementing planned interventions at the national level, and if necessary, at the binational or trinational levels.

Regional Coordination Unit- UCR

  • Maria Apostolova

    Regional Coordinator

  • Fernando Cisneros

    IWRM Technical Specialist

  • Nina Rodrigues

    Communication Specialist

  • Paulo Cavalcanti

    Administrative and Financial Officer

  • Janet Herrera

    Administrative Assistant

  • Diego Silva

    Water Resources Situation Room Technical Analyst

National Focal Points

  • Bolivia

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Ministry of Environment and Water

  • Brazil

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA)

  • Colombia

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Ecuador

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility
    Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition

  • Guyana

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
    Ministry of Agriculture - Hydrometeorological Service

  • Peru

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    National Water Authority - ANA

  • Suriname

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and International Cooperation
    Ministry of Territorial Planning and the Environment

  • Venezuela

    People's Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Ministry of the People's Power for Water Management
    Ministry of People's Power for Ecosocialism
    National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMEH)

National Project Coordination Units – UNCPs

  • Bolivia

    National Coordinator:

    Marissa Castro Magnani

    Director General of Boundaries and International Waters

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  • Brazil

    National Coordinator:

    Marcelo Pires da Costa

    Water Resources Specialist

    National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency (ANA)

  • Colombia

    National Coordinator:

    Oscar Francisco Puerta Luchini

    Director of Integral Water Resource Management

    Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development

  • Ecuador

    National Coordinator:

    Catalina del Rocío Ortiz López

    Territorial and Intersectoral Articulation Analyst

    Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition

  • Guyana

    National Coordinator:

    Frank Grogan

    Specialist Hydrologist

    Ministry of Agriculture / Hydrometeorological Service

  • Peru

    National Coordinator:

    Eng. Alonso Zapata Cornejo

    Head of the National Water Authority


  • Suriname

    National Coordinator:

    Nasser Rodjan

    Permanent Undersecretary of Environment and Ecosystems

    Ministry of Territorial Planning and the Environment

  • Venezuela

    National Coordinator:

    Franklin Linares

    General Director of Ecosystem Management and Conservation Policy

    Ministry of People's Power for Ecosocialism