The Amazon Basin Project operates within the framework of four interconnected thematic components, each aimed at achieving specific environmental and socioeconomic benefits. Through these components, the project aims to contribute to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
component 1
Governance model
Create an innovative governance model for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) in the Amazon Basin.
Achieve institutional strengthening at both national and regional levels to facilitate efficient and effective water governance, spanning from community to governmental levels. This will lead to enhanced basin management, improved ecosystem status, and livelihoods.
Outputs aligned with SDGs 4 (Quality Education), 6 (Safe Water and Sanitation), and 13 (Climate Action).
Strengthened institutional and policy framework for the entire basin, including:
- Establishment of a Permanent IWRM Coordination Mechanism within ACTO.
- Development of common principles and standards for IWRM.
- Coordination of cultural agendas.
Implementation of national policies to enable the establishment of water authorities in Suriname and Guyana.
- Creation of a Regional Integrated Information Platform on IWRM in the Amazon Basin, along with information exchange mechanisms.
Implementation of incentive-based financing mechanisms for IWRM:
- Execution of incentive-based financing mechanisms in four countries through national interventions.
- Training of 430 professionals in IWRM governance approaches.
component 2
Adaptation to Climate Change
Enhance community resilience and protect aquatic systems from the impacts of climate change.
Strengthen communities and ecosystems to withstand extreme hydrological events and rising sea levels, while gaining a better understanding of the transboundary environmental impacts of major infrastructure projects.
Products aligned with SDGs 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure), 13 (Climate Action), and 14 (Life Below Water).
Establishment of forecasting and warning systems to address extreme events, with three interventions implemented.
Implementation of natural infrastructure interventions to safeguard local communities and coastal ecosystems:
- Increased resilience to extreme events for 2.5 million people in the Amazon basin.
- Nature-based solutions implemented at three sites, protecting over 2 million people in local communities and coastal ecosystems.
Provision of alternative water supply solutions for Andean communities reliant on glacier melt, benefiting over 1.5 million people.
Implementation of groundwater source protection solutions:
- Four local communities and municipalities, totaling more than 1.8 million people, benefit from improved access to groundwater.
Conduction of interministerial and expert roundtables on the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus, including:
- Assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystem nexus in the Amazon Basin.
- Development of a compendium on resilient and sustainable infrastructure in the Amazon.
Identification of risk analysis and environmental impact assessment best practices to mitigate infrastructure impacts on water resources.
- Production of a technical document for policymakers, integrating inputs and recommendations from the nexus assessment and the Amazon Compendium of best practices and methodologies.
Evaluation of the socioeconomic and welfare impacts of resilience-building interventions, including an assessment of water usage behaviors across four interventions.
component 3
Environmental Monitoring
Monitor water resources in ecosystems through a regional environmental monitoring system.
Consistent information in the Amazon Basin to guide policy decision-making in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and for the conservation and protection of bioaquatic ecosystems.
Products aligned with SDGs 6 (Clean Water and Sanitation), 13 (Climate Action), and 14 (Life Below Water).
- Development of a regional water quality network covering at least 12 major tributaries, providing annual measurements of up to 10 parameters.
- Establishment of a regional hydrometeorological network comprising more than 110 stations, providing data for the entire Amazon Basin (> 6 million km2).
- Implementation of an integrated satellite-based erosion, transport, and sedimentation (ETS) system covering approximately 80,000,000 hectares.
- Establishment and implementation of an aquatic ecosystem monitoring system in an area of 25,000,000 hectares, covering at least 5 socioeconomic indicators and 5 ecosystem indicators across 6 areas of vulnerable aquatic ecosystems and threatened species.
Conduct of comprehensive training programs for regional monitoring systems, including:
- Delivery of more than 600 trainings in the management and operation of monitoring systems.
Implementation of a water management training program in partnership with GEF SGP.
Completion of the Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (TDA)/Strategic Action Program (SAP) complement
- Development and approval of 8 National Action Plans, and production of a report on the state of the environment of the Amazon Basin/Region.
- Additionally, ten community-based projects were implemented involving 80 local communities, benefiting approximately 10,000 people.
component 4
Strategic Action Program Implementation
Monitor the implementation of the EAP and carry out its evaluation.
Long-term sustainability of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), providing socioeconomic and environmental benefits through the effective implementation of the Strategic Action Program (SAP) at both national and regional levels.
Products aligned with SDGs 5 (Gender Equality) and 17 (Partnerships for the Goals).
Development and deployment of innovative Information and Communication Technology (ICT) applications and a web portal.
- Formulation of a sustainability plan for monitoring SAP implementation and reporting on environmental status.
- Implementation of a communication and positioning strategy for SAP implementation and awareness-raising.
Creation of a set of communication and marketing products to facilitate the sustainability of SAP implementation.
- Adoption of a regional ICT approach and tools for reporting on SAP implementation, including the development of a dedicated web page.
Sharing of project experiences and best practices with GEF IW-LEARN.
- Documentation of best practices and lessons learned from SAP implementation.