Strategic Actions Program – PAE
This Strategic Action Program (SAP) is the most relevant product obtained by the ACTO/UN Environment/GEF Project - Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin Considering Climate Variability and Change, a regional initiative created by ACTO Member Countries, with funding from GEF and the countries, implementation by the United Nations Environment Program and under the execution of ACTO.
Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of the Amazon Basin
The overall objective of the Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis of the Amazon Basin (TDA) is to provide the factual basis and analysis of the main cross-border problems, their impacts and causes for the definition of regional response strategies and the development of the Strategic Action Program (SAP).
Atlas of Hydroclimatic Vulnerability in the Amazon Region
The Atlas of Hydroclimatic Vulnerability of the Amazon Region, which presents a collection of 60 thematic maps, contributes to the knowledge and understanding of the Amazon territory, deepening aspects related to socioeconomic vulnerability, physical vulnerability of the region and exposure to extreme climate events such as droughts and floods, and contributing basic information for policy formulation and decision making in the region.
Amazon Waters
The Special Edition of the Amazon Waters Newsletter is a contribution to the knowledge of the Amazon Basin from the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization and the ACTO/UN Environment/ GEF Amazon Project - Water Resources and Climate Change, on the occasion of the 8th World Water Forum, Brasilia, 2018.