15 de December de 2023
In the context of the Amazon Basin Project, Bolivia, Colombia, Guyana, Peru, Suriname, and Venezuela held National Workshops for the [...]
14 de December de 2023
The border region between Bolivia, Brazil, and Peru, in the southwest of the Amazon, harbors an extensive area of preserved [...]
3 de November de 2023
Since August, gender training has been underway in all Amazonian countries as part of the implementation project of the Strategic [...]
30 de October de 2023
This October, the Institute of Hydraulics and Hydrology (IHH) of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés installed monitoring equipment on [...]
5 de October de 2023
The government of Bolivia, together with the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and the Organization of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty [...]
7 de August de 2023
Gathered in Belém do Pará, Brazil, on August 6 during the Amazon Dialogues, Directors and Water Authorities from the eight [...]
29 de June de 2023
The Permanent Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (PS/ACTO), together with UNEP and IDB, presented the PIF (Project Identification [...]
6 de January de 2023
As part of the implementation of the national interventions of the Project – Amazon Basin: “Implementation of the Strategic Action [...]