On July 3, in celebration of the 46th anniversary of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty, ACTO launched the new website for the Amazon Basin Project – Implementation of the SAP, featuring an updated interface that makes it much more practical and responsive, in other words, adaptable to a wide variety of screens. With a modern and interactive design that provides easy and intuitive navigation, the new portal is intended to be the project’s main communication channel with its target audiences – water resource managers, researchers, scientists, indigenous and traditional communities, teachers and students, journalists, investors and donors.
In the new format, information about the Amazon Basin Project is more clearly distributed, allowing users to access content in three languages – Spanish, English and Portuguese – interact with graphs and maps, get an overview of the project’s activities and agendas and access publications, videos and other documents efficiently.
For the coordinator of the Amazon Basin Project, Maria Apostolova, updating the website is essential for interested parties to have the information they are looking for, in the quickest and most easily accessible form. “It is extremely important to ensure that the implementation of the project is monitored, especially for those populations who are directly benefiting from initiatives such as the installation of early warning systems to predict and reduce the risk of flood disasters and the integration of environmental monitoring data from the region’s rivers,” says Apostolova.
On its homepage, the new site brings together the main information about the Amazon Basin Project, segmented by topics of interest. The most current news is highlighted and data on the history, organizational structure, environmental and social benefits and more are distributed in sections accessible from the main navigation menu at the top of the page.
The environmental monitoring of water resources and the 17 interventions carried out by the Amazon Basin Project in the eight countries of the region have specific sections on the new website, illustrated with photos, maps and links.
Among the new features of the site is a section dedicated to training courses. In addition, the new website has a prominent section in the navigation menu that leads to the official website of the Strategic Action Program – SAP, launched simultaneously with the Amazon Basin Project website, providing information on the history of the program, its Strategic Response Lines and each of the corresponding strategic actions, among others.
The SAP website can be accessed from the menu on the Amazon Basin Project website or from the OTCA portal, in the PROGRAMS tab. (https://otca.org/).
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